“Reflex Pillow A World Class”

Editors Choice honestmattressreviews.com

benefits of reflex pillow

[title text=”How can this pillow help me sleep better?”]

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[col span=”1/2″ ] Do you suffer from any of the following conditions?


This reflexpillow may help you with the following:


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[title text=”Neck / Shoulder Pain” style=”center”]
Reflex is a great pillow for neck pain. It helps your cervical spine maintain improved alignment during the whole night which prevents stress and strain on your neck and shoulder muscles, especially the supportive muscles in the upper neck which are under continuous strain during the day.

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[title text=”Morning Pain / Teeth grinding” style=”center”]
It provides support to your whole spine, as a result, this improves blood circulation and redistributes your body weight correctly which helps prevent or reduce stiffness in the morning.
You are much less likely to toss and turn during the night because of the stability of the head in the head dip.



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[title text=”Snoring / Insomnia” style=”center”]
By maintaining your head in the correct position, your neck and shoulder will also be in the correct position. Reflexpillow tilts your head upwards and positions it in slight extension.
In doing so, your airways are unobstructed and open allowing you to breathe normally.

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[title text=”Relieves Obstructive Sleep Apnoea” style=”center”]
The unique design of this pillow positions your head thus your air passages in a naturally open position improving oxygen intake,this means your breathing will be normal or less obstructed delivering a more refreshed sleep.



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[button text=”Buy Now” color=”secondary” size=”xlarge” link=”https://www.reflexpillow.com/shop/” ]





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